Today marked a significant milestone with our company. We had our first ever true $1000 day. It was a long time coming. This week we also averaged 10 sales a day. Again a significant milestone.
Are we doing anything different you ask? Not really. We attribute it to the season. (Clue to our business.) We’re working on building awareness and staying connected with our customers. We’re in the process of doing a site redesign and fixing some technical problems that continue to plague us in our cart. I haven’t taken a look at the logs yet to see where the sales are coming from. When I do that, I’ll tell all here. Ironically, this increase comes after we narrowed out Adwords campaign to trim away the keywords that were not converting. So last week, was a great week profit wise as well.
Nothing much else to report. Oh, numbers for January, we averaged 5 sales a day. Our goal was 10. Our average sale also went from $80 to $70. As a result we missed our goal. It looks like we are one month behind our plan. I’m very optimistic that we can catch up, but even if we can’t we’ll still make the million dollar goal at this pace.
BTW, our plan is to increase sales by 5/day every month. Starting at 10 sales/day in January going to 65/day in December. To do that, we are building awareness and staying connected to our customers. As, I said before, we had this elaborate plan to do a lot of marketing scattered in many directions, but we have focused our energies. First, we’re going the guerilla, low cost route. Second, we’ll be applying constant, small efforts to tap, tap, tap. Like water on a rock.