September Task List

Processing and Packing
I’m back from vacation. My intention was to leave on Wednesday so that I could use Thursday to recuperate, do work on Friday and enjoy the festivities at church this weekends, as well as fulfill a myriad of obligations. We did not leave until Thursday so the whole plan is out the window. I have a lot on my plate and my mind. Usually I write here last, but today I’m writing here first so that I could get my task list together. Here it is. Do homepage template for e-commerce site. This is a seasonal template that needs to be swapped out. Immediately. Do article submission for e-commerce site. Commission 50 more articles for e-commerce site. Complete April through August financials for e-commerce site. Complete 30 articles for each…
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It Was A Day of Processing And Packing

Processing and Packing
As I was lamenting today again on how laborious this shipping process is, I reminded myself that there was a time when we re-typed orders into Quickbooks and addresses into USPS. Imagine how much time that would take. I am grateful that that is no longer the case. I’m beginning to isolate the problem areas. The biggest fat is in the number of times we touch the product. We unpack it and put it on the racks, then we check to see if it’s what we ordered, then we check to see if the stuff that we have to send out is there, then we pack it. Too many touch points for the products. I also think that we spend a lot of time walking around that tiny room. Clipboards…
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