Tons Of Work

Tons of work to do this week. Actually, tons of work to do period. I’m a “just get it out of the way” person. I tend to think that it all needs to get done now. This evening I scheduled the posts for the e-comm site. This week I need to get back on track with the affiliate sites, starting with posting daily on the existing sites. The priorities after that are the e-commerce homepage which I am so tempted to outsource, but fear the costs, and site #3 theming. After that it’s the article submission for the e-commerce site. This week I absolutely need to get both the homepage template and the site #3 theming done. Those are big jobs. I have no idea how I’m going to get…
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First $5 Day

Site #1: 3 articles Site #2: 2 articles Site #3: 1 article I almost overlooked it completely. I did $5 yesterday. Sadly, I am not that enthused. I am so tired. This brings to light a serious problem with Site #1. It’s not bringing in any money despite traffic. I’m going to have to change the theme in order to improve my ad placement. This is the reason why I don’t like right hand navigation: left or 3-column is the way to go. Once people read the content first, they only go to the right menu if they are purposely looking for something. On the other hand, novice web users still read the left column first. Despite the blatant block of content in the middle. BTW, I tried in content,…
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Under Pressure

So we turned AdWords on full throttle at the beginning of the year. I spend my evenings tweaking the copy to test ads for double digit CTR. Since we’re spending this money on AdWords we expected our sales to increase proportionately. They have not. Last Friday I was in full panic mode. Today I had a severe panic attack. Yesterday we talked about it in our weekly meeting to try to figure out what our action would be. The beginning of January is usually dead in terms of traffic and sales, so we decided to give it another week at least. This is the week that things have to turn around. We looked at our logs, turned out we’re losing 75% of the people who start the checkout. Upon further…
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